Transportation of goods by means of truck is the most popular freight way of delivery. Every day, tens of thousands of truck transport cargo all over the world. Every company wants to make the right choice among logistics companies.
ETS-Logistics company afford the right decision to transport large shipments at the best cost by using the services. Transportation is carried out in compliance with international standards. We draw up the complete documentation necessary for transportation.
ETS-Logistics is a professional company in the field of truck transportation. International road transportation of goods is carried out at the highest level, regardless of the volume. International trucking is one of the easiest and fastest methods of delivering goods, but it also requires a high-quality and responsible approach to bussines.
Our specialists have a huge of experience in the organization of international road transportation of goods with the selection of suitable routes that will be the most optimal both in terms of the cost of transportation and the time the goods are in transit. Thanks to such complete control over all stages of work with the client’s cargo, we have established ourselves as one of the most reliable international transport companies.